Friday, April 28, 2006

Bong Bong: who is there?

Hah, you wish this was about ganja and sublime ganja-infused poetry but it's not.
This post is based on my observations and those of some (mostly Punjabi!) friends on the undeterred parochial qualities of (us? I am ambivalent about identifying as an insider) Bongs.
The three unarguable Gods of India (last I heard) were RNT, Ray and Ganguly. With Bose thrown in for good measures. Ki? Not for you? Who cares - aamader deshe that's what people believe. Desh= Calcutta/C.R Park.
So why are Bong Bongs hated so much? Are people jealous or just tired of their obsessive self bong bong bajana? Why do Bongs smirk at Punjabis (and as my mashis say with disdain "Hindustanis!"). Why do they find semi-allegiance with the almost their aantel standard Tam Brams?
Why is my identity in the minds of the Boy's family "A THREATENINGLY AGGRESSIVE TOO PROGRESSIVE BENGALI GIRL?". What about my poor dad? Ain? Why am I not thought of as a naive gori gori red-cheeked pahari larhki (aprt from the obvious that I am kaala kaluta with crinkly hair!)...
Answers to follow??


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