Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Morning magic

A sure proof that I've become old is my waking time. However hard I try I can't sleep beyond 7 am so I've started making most of my oddity by going for a jog. And every time I run in the back gardens I realize how lucky I am to be living on campus and how unfortunate ppl who live in high rises and industrial places are.

The back garden is quite large in this college campus - not too well kept but has the usual tennis courts, cricket pitch, volley ball courts, basket ball area and a field. Winter has pretty much set in in Delhi (at least in the mornings) and the sun is usually hidden soemwhere in the horizon when I start my run. I am often the only one around, with the usual collection of stray dogs (biscuit, brownie and the boo who doesn't like me), and dangerously low-flying eagles. Five rounds completed, the sun starts rising and thanks to the delhi fog is usually blood red or deep orange in color in the beginning. The field gets scattered with thousands of magpies, at least a dozen aggressive peacocks and sometimes a monkey or two! It's almost like running in a cageless zoo!

It's a different thrill to jog next to the Charles but I know I'll miss back-gorunds when I leave Delhi!


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