Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On being an Orkutter

Why do people not lie on Orkut? I try so hard to hide my id on this blog but somehow when I am on orkut I become Ms Satyavadi (Ms. Always speaks the truth). What is the psychology behind that, I wonder! And that too inspite of so many scary incidents where photos are being morphed and people's lives are being tracked just thru orkut. Why are we orkutters so stubbornly trusting?

On that short thoughtful note. TATA. Will write again when I have lengthier ( and profounder) thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about it and have come to the conclusion that its our inner need for human companionship & approval that makes us write about ourselves on orkut.
Its a face we want others to see and perhaps like us. Our inhibitions,fear(rejection) prevent us from leaving an admiring comment about a friend's friend's friend's blog :)

1:20 PM  

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