Thursday, September 07, 2006

The return of the maach

See See, I was successfully beejee for a whole month and didn't do time pass on this site. Aren't you proud of me, my loyal anon readers? So what did I accomplish, you ask, eh? I moved house once again, lifted 1000 pounds of used and free furniture (that should be a post by itself, the sociology of TRASH in the FIRST FIRST world), moped and growled over my first field work setback, read a zillion articles on nothingness and stragegised ways to sneak into the Harvard Library. Isn't that enough work??

Oh ya, was adequately gharelu ("good homely Indian girl" so what if not "fair slim and convent educated") and baked a cake, made gobi aaloo, and my latest an eggplant parmesan casserole. the apartment looks kinda nice, esp with my $5 classic rocking chair that rich lesbian aunties threw out at a tag sale. At the mo I am getting free wireless (ironically or what, it's called lala-lund), free cable and free sunshine in my room. All of which will disappear in a couple of weeks. Till then here is a pic - enjoy


Blogger Hystorical said...

that chair really does rock. i could use one.

on an unrelated note, how does the name "the borderline freaks' work for a band?

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Successfully "beejee" - does that mean you are not counting the bacon?

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... or does that mean something else entirely?
Wish I had a rich lesbian auntie...but for now am happy to have a poor lesbian wife!

9:39 AM  
Blogger Amrita Pande said...

beejee = busy dodo bingbong. How about sending some contributions for my sociology of trash post?

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaheehee! later.

5:20 PM  

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