Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Change of location.
Instead of Simon’s Mass Ave, Cambridge I am sitting on sunny window-side chair at the Montague Book Mill. There is a river scrambling down rocks in the sunshine outside and I can see a couple of little girls trying to jump over the river rocks. Both side of the river are lined with trees. The flowers on my table, the music at the café and the sounds of the river is making me nostalgic. For the summer days in Manali.

3 years ago, July 2004 I was sitting in a similar river side café, Café Manalsu, with the Beas running along beside me. Sitting with me were two friends, one who since then has chosen not to be friends anymore and one who went back to his home in Germany. I never met him again. We sat for hours sipping our lemon honey teas, followed by the rum and coke offered by the generous café owner-manager. Planning our long hike to Tso Moreri. Bitching about the friends who chose not to join us on the hike. Bitching more about those who chose to. Planning our next meal. The babaji with his chilam sat outside waiting for our German friend to “score”. I listened to Bob Marley as I sipped by Tomato Basil soup.
I wish I had a portkey to take me back in time. To that café, those friends and that exact moment. 3 years ago, July 2004.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you made me nostalgic as well. Boo hoo hoo.

8:44 AM  

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