Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pop-a-pill why don't ya?

The boy has pneumonia (I named it Moni since the longer version sounds too scary and is too hard to spell, I feel like Nemo... nemenemenomia). To cut to the chase, the boy had moni and I was terrified. He doesn't have too much of flesh to spare in any case so it makes it worse when he loses pounds. Ofcourse, add to that my usual suspicion about doctors. They MUST have diagnosed him wrong.

I don't know where I get that trait from. Most people I know have that undying unwavering trust in daktar sahibs. Doc says you need to quit smoking, throw the smokes out of the window (that kind of trust, ofcourse, is good for you). But then doc says you need to get stitches when all you have is a scratch, you give in. Doc says take 500 pounds of anti biotics for something which is most likely a minor sinus infection, you obediently pop pills by the dozen. And then there is me, doc says you better not run with that sprained foot and immediately I get on the treadmill!

Anyhow, the pharmaceutical industry here rules and that aggravates my suspicious nature. The most perfect nexus of politics, business and pharma can be seen in this country. Just switch on any channel and you'll know what I am talking about. I swear, in one of my really vela (nothing-to-do) days I sat and counted how many commercials were on some kind of meds. Every third one. And if you add to that slim fast yogurts and such then every second. Truly a Prozac nation.


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